Possums And Chickens – Tips For Coop Owners

Most backyard chicken coop owners know the joys of raising their own flock, but also the challenges of dealing with unwanted visitors like possums. These sneaky creatures can cause havoc in the coop, endangering your feathered friends. To help you protect your chickens, here are some tips to keep possums at bay. If you’re wondering what to do when faced with an opossum in the chicken coop, check out What to do with an opossum in the chicken coop for guidance.

Article: Possums And Chickens - Tips For Coop Owners. Pic - A common brushtail possum perched on a wooden beam inside a rustic chicken coop, with corrugated metal roofing visible in the background.
Sneaky Visitor! A curious brushtail possum explores the nooks of a chicken coop at night.

Key Takeaways:

  • Secure Your Coop: Ensure your coop is well-built and secure to prevent possums from gaining easy access.
  • Use Deterrents: Utilize strong-smelling deterrents like garlic or ammonia around the coop to keep possums at bay.
  • Limit Food Sources: Avoid leaving food or scraps around the coop, as this can attract possums looking for an easy meal.
  • Implement Lighting: Install motion-activated lights to deter possums from approaching the coop during the night.
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections of your coop to check for any potential entry points and make necessary repairs promptly.
Article: Possums And Chickens - Tips For Coop Owners. Pic - Close-up of a young opossum looking upward while clinging to a tree trunk, with its nose pointing towards the sky.
Upward Glance: A young opossum pauses to sniff the air, exploring its surroundings from the safety of a tree.

Fortifying Your Coop

Coop Construction and Maintenance Tips

Some coops might need an upgrade to beef up their defenses against possums. Regularly inspect the coop for any holes or weak spots that these sneaky critters could exploit. Ensure there are no gaps in the fencing, and all doors and windows are secure. Trim any branches that could provide possums easy access to the coop.

  • Regularly inspect coop for holes and weak spots
  • Ensure there are no gaps in fencing
  • Secure all doors and windows
  • Trim branches near coop

After implementing these security measures, remember to routinely check and maintain them to ensure they remain effective in keeping possums at bay.

Essential Materials for Coop Security

Security for your coop is necessary to keep possums away. For instance, using heavy-duty wire mesh with small gaps will prevent possums from squeezing through. Adding locks or latches to doors and windows will further secure the coop. Additionally, consider installing motion-sensor lights to deter possums from approaching the coop at night.

After fortifying your coop with these necessary materials, you can rest assured that your flock is safe from pesky possum intruders.

Article: Possums And Chickens - Tips For Coop Owners. Pic - A rare albino possum eating fruit scraps from a bowl on the ground, surrounded by straw.
Unique Feast: An albino possum enjoys a colorful meal of fruit scraps, a rare sight in the wild.

Natural Deterrents and Repellents

Plant-Based Deterrents

Even though possums are known to be deterred by certain scents, it’s important to note that not all plants will have the same effect. Lavender, rosemary, and mint are all excellent choices to plant around your coop to help keep possums at bay.

DIY Repellent Recipes

Repellents can be easily made at home using natural ingredients that possums find repulsive. A mixture of garlic, pepper, and water can be sprayed around the perimeter of the coop to create a strong-smelling barrier that possums will want to avoid.

Deterrents are a great way to proactively keep possums away from your coop without causing harm to the animals. DIY repellent recipes are not only effective but also environmentally friendly.

Article: Possums And Chickens - Tips For Coop Owners. Pic - A ringtail possum perched on a weathered wooden fence in a garden at night, with lush foliage in the background.
Nighttime Navigator: A ringtail possum balances on a garden fence, ready for its evening adventures.

The Role of Technology

Motion-Activated Lights

Keep those pesky possums at bay with the help of motion-activated lights around your coop. These lights are great at deterring nocturnal creatures like possums from getting too close to your feathered friends. The sudden burst of light when they approach will startle them and send them scurrying away into the night, keeping your coop safe and secure.

Electronic Repellent Devices

To add an extra layer of protection, consider using electronic repellent devices designed to keep possums away from your coop. These devices emit sounds or vibrations that are unpleasant to possums but harmless to your chickens. Easy to install and effective, these devices can create a barrier that deters possums from entering your coop area.

This technology offers a humane way to ward off potential threats without causing harm to the wildlife. By utilizing electronic repellent devices, you can peace of mind knowing that your coop and its residents are protected from unwanted intruders. Invest in these modern solutions to keep your coop possum-free and your chickens safe.

A close-up of a common brushtail possum on a wooden railing at night, illuminated by soft light with a dark background.
Guardian of the Night: A brushtail possum keeps a watchful eye from its perch on a railing.

Daily Practices and Routine Care

Regular Cleaning and Waste Management

After you have secured your coop from possums, it is crucial to maintain a clean environment for your chickens. Regular cleaning helps to prevent pest infestations and keeps your flock healthy. Make sure to remove soiled bedding, droppings, and uneaten food daily. Deep clean the coop and nesting boxes on a regular basis to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors.

Securing Food Sources and Water

On a daily basis, ensure that your chicken feed is stored in secure containers that possums cannot access. Regularly inspect your coop for any holes or gaps where possums could enter and access the food. Additionally, keep your chicken waterers clean and filled with fresh water to deter possums from being attracted to your coop.

This daily practice is crucial in keeping possums away from your coop. Possums are attracted to leftover food scraps and dirty water sources, so ensuring these are properly managed can help prevent infestations. By securing your food sources and water, you can protect your flock from potential harm caused by possums seeking out these resources.

A mature opossum approaches a younger opossum on a moss-covered rock, with a dark metal fence and greenery in the background.
A Moment of Encounter: An older opossum meets a younger one amid the shelter of their natural habitat.


So, by utilizing a combination of secure fencing, motion sensor lights, and chemical deterrents like peppermint oil, coop owners can effectively keep possums away from their chicken coops. Recall, prevention is key to ensuring the safety and well-being of your chickens. With these tips in mind, coop owners can enjoy a possum-free environment and peace of mind knowing their feathered friends are safe and sound.

FAQ’s about Possums And Chickens

Q: Why are possums a problem for coop owners?

A: Possums can raid chicken coops, stealing eggs and potentially harming the chickens. It’s important to keep them away to protect your coop and its inhabitants.

Q: What are some signs that possums are near my coop?

A: Look for droppings, tracks, and disturbed areas around your coop. You may also notice missing eggs or chickens acting stressed, which could indicate possum activity.

An opossum cautiously moving through grass near a wire fence, viewed through blurred foreground leaves.
Stealthy Visitor: An opossum prowls near a chicken run, blending into the natural surroundings.

Q: How can I keep possums away from my coop?

A: Secure your coop with sturdy fencing and lockable doors. Remove any potential food sources, such as fallen fruit or accessible garbage. Consider installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers to deter possums.

Q: Are there any natural deterrents for possums?

A: Yes, you can try using strong-smelling substances like ammonia, garlic, or predator urine around your coop. Planting mint or other strong-scented plants may also help keep possums at bay.

Q: What should I do if I spot a possum near my coop?

A: Stay calm and avoid approaching the possum. Make loud noises or shine bright lights to scare it away. If the possum is persistent, consider contacting a wildlife removal professional for assistance.


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