How to Get Rid of Flies in a Chicken Coop

Lets discover How to Get Rid of Flies in a Chicken Coop! With summer in full swing and temperatures rising, keeping your chickens happy and healthy is a top priority for any backyard chicken keeper. However, pesky flies can quickly become a nuisance and even pose a health risk to your flock. In this blog post, we’ll explore effective and eco-friendly methods to eliminate flies from your chicken coop, ensuring a clean and comfortable environment for your feathered friends.

Image of a Starbar Captivator fly trap, boasting a 3-to-1 out-trap guarantee, insecticide-free and reusable, for outdoor use.
Starbar Captivator: The Superior, Insecticide-Free Fly Trap

Key Takeaways:

  • Cleanliness is Key: Regularly clean the coop to eliminate fly-attracting droppings and debris.
  • Use Natural Repellents: Incorporate natural repellents like herbs, important oils, or diatomaceous earth to deter flies.
  • Invest in Fly Traps: Place fly traps in and around the coop to capture and reduce the fly population.
  • Maintain Proper Ventilation: Ensure good airflow in the coop to discourage flies from breeding in damp and stagnant areas.
  • Implement Preventive Measures: Regularly inspect and maintain the coop, keep feed and water sources clean, and promptly remove any dead animals to prevent fly infestations.

Cleanliness Is Key

One of the most important factors in ridding your chicken coop of pesky flies is maintaining a high level of cleanliness. Flies are attracted to dirt, waste, and decaying organic matter, so keeping your coop as clean as possible is necessary to deter them from infesting the area.



Fresh mint leaves with dew drops, natural fly repellent around chicken coops.
Nature’s Repellent: Mint’s Dual Role in Chicken Coops.

Regular Cleaning Routines

With regular cleaning routines, you can significantly reduce the potential for flies to breed and multiply in your chicken coop. Make sure to remove any leftover food, soiled bedding, and chicken droppings daily. This not only helps in fly prevention but also contributes to a healthier environment for your chickens.

Proper Waste Management Techniques

Routines such as proper waste management are crucial in controlling fly populations. Consider setting up a compost bin away from the coop to dispose of organic waste properly. Regularly empty the bin to prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for flies. Seal any trash bins tightly to prevent flies from accessing waste materials.

Natural and Chemical Fly Repellants

a picture of an outdoor area outside the coop for the chickens to forage. in one corner i want a pit plant growing lavender - there needs to be a wrie cage around the plant so the chickens can eat the bits of herb that grow through the wire and the rest of the plant can happily grow and fend off pests
Cozy Coop Comforts: Nesting, Roosting, and Lavender Aromas ensuring health and the detering for pests like flies and mosquitos.

Herbal Remedies and Plants That Deter Flies

Little pests like flies can wreak havoc in your chicken coop, but there are natural ways to keep them at bay.

Herbal remedies and plants such as lavender, mint, basil, and rosemary are known for their fly-repelling properties.

Planting these around your coop or using them in a DIY spray can help deter flies without harming your chickens.

Safe Chemical Solutions for Coop Infestations

When dealing with a severe fly infestation in your chicken coop, sometimes safe chemical solutions are necessary. Products like pyrethrin-based sprays or diatomaceous earth can effectively control flies without posing a risk to your flock. These solutions should be used sparingly and according to the instructions to ensure the safety of your chickens.

Chemical solutions can be a last resort when natural methods aren’t enough to rid your coop of pesky flies. Always prioritize the health and well-being of your chickens when choosing any fly repellants for your chicken coop.



Reusable fly traps and refill packets against a white background.
Combat Pesky Flies with Reusable Traps and Convenient Refills

Fly-Proofing Your Chicken Coop

Structural Modifications to Keep Flies Out

Not only are flies a nuisance to you and your chickens, but they can also spread disease. An easy way to combat this is by making some structural adjustments to your chicken coop.

Simple changes like repairing any holes or gaps in the walls, ensuring windows have screens, and sealing any cracks can help prevent flies from entering.

Implementing Physical Barriers and Traps

The key to effectively managing flies in your chicken coop is by implementing physical barriers and traps. Strategically placing fly traps around the coop and using sticky fly tapes can help reduce fly populations. Additionally, using mesh or netting to cover windows and vents can prevent flies from getting in while still allowing for proper airflow.

Modifications like these not only keep your coop fly-free but also contribute to a healthier environment for your chickens. By taking these simple steps, you can protect your flock and enjoy a fly-free coop all year round.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Monitoring Fly Populations

Now, to effectively manage pesky flies in your chicken coop, it’s crucial to monitor their populations regularly. This can be done by setting up fly traps or using sticky tape to track the number of flies present in the coop. Keep a record of how many flies you catch over time to identify any sudden increases in population.

Ongoing Coop Care for Long-Term Control

With consistent care and attention, you can maintain long-term control over fly populations in your chicken coop. Regularly cleaning the coop and removing any manure or wet bedding will help eliminate breeding grounds for flies. Additionally, make sure to keep feed and water areas clean and free of spills to avoid attracting more flies to the coop.

Monitoring the fly populations in your coop is crucial for early detection of any infestations. By keeping a close eye on the fly numbers, you can take necessary steps to prevent any potential health risks for your chickens and keep your coop a comfortable and healthy environment for them.

To wrap up

Conclusively, keeping your chicken coop clean and implementing natural fly control measures such as using herbs or necessary oils can help rid your coop of pesky flies. Remember to regularly clean out your coop, keep feed and water areas dry, and consider installing fly traps or using diatomaceous earth. You can also find valuable tips and advice on dealing with flies in your chicken coop by visiting Is there anything to be done about the flies drawn in by…. By staying proactive and consistent in your efforts, you can create a more comfortable and healthy environment for your feathered friends.

Captivator Fly Trap with patented attractant and insecticide-free design, guaranteed to out-trap competition.
Secure the Buzz: Captivator Fly Trap.


Q: Why are flies a problem in chicken coops?

A: Flies are attracted to the manure and feed found in chicken coops, and can spread diseases to your flock if not properly managed.

Q: What are the potential risks of having flies in a chicken coop?

A: Flies can transmit diseases such as avian influenza and salmonella to your chickens, leading to poor health and decreased egg production.

Q: How can I prevent flies from infesting my chicken coop?

A: To prevent flies, keep your coop clean and dry, remove any manure regularly, and ensure proper ventilation to reduce moisture levels.

Q: What are some natural ways to get rid of flies in a chicken coop?

A: You can use fly traps, herbs like basil and mint, or vital oils such as citronella and lavender to repel flies from your chicken coop.

Q: When should I seek professional help to deal with fly infestations in my chicken coop?

A: If you have tried all the DIY methods and still have a significant fly infestation in your chicken coop, it is best to contact a pest control professional to assess the situation and provide effective solutions.


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